Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Swap Shop 'Helpful Hint of the Day': Security

Like a lot of things in the world, we must look out at times to protect ourselves. Security is an issue to consider at all times, even when it comes to our friendly neighborhood swap shop.

Here's a list of suggestions for you:

-Never post your phone number publicly. This opens you up to all kinds of problems. Write your swap shop post so people can contact you directly through the messaging feature of Facebook.
-Never post an email address, same reason above, plus some people use this for spamming purposes.
-If you make arrangements to pick up an item, make sure that someone knows about it, or better yet, take a friend.
-Never pay for an item before you have had a chance to see it in person. Yes, I know that is the last available sweater in your size, and it matches your only hat...but just take your time and verify the item FIRST.
-If you are ever uncomfortable in the least about ANY transaction, let it go. Your gut is right most of the time!
-If you make a commitment to purchase an item, the follow through on that commitment, or at the very least, let someone know that you are no longer interested. This may not be a true 'security' issue, but it should be common sense and just plain ol' Missouri COURTESY! DO PEOPLE RIGHT!

Do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding security? I would love to hear them! Just leave a comment and in future security updates, maybe your suggestion will be one of them.

Once again, thanks for using your local swap shop! Have an awesome day!

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